1 - it's a common brazilian belief that you have to keep your feet warm and your head cool simultaneously (for more details see doces bárbaros' song named "pé quente, cabeça fria"). so take from the closet the pair of slippers your best friend gave you for christmas and start using it all the time at home (be careful not to forget and go outside using it, you may look like a freak);
2 - the more tv you watch, the more apathetic, depressed and boring you become. you would prefer starting that long-term project, which was always being avoided while beaches, parks, swimming pools and happiness were too distractive to your mind. Examples: writing a book or a phd thesis, planning an individual exhibition of your art works, starting a mural collage or shooting a film;
3 - get rid of your mirrors (unless you manage to keep your weight and the humidity of your hair and skin);
4 - drink coffee - it's antidepressant and forces you to do stuff;
5 - combine it with ginger tea in order not to fall into stomach problems or anxiety crisis. stomach problems can bring bad breath. anxiety crisis in indoors environment makes you talk like a mad thing and frighten people away. it's a very dangerous vicious circle, cause then you'll feel lonely, misanderstood, frustated and lost. these two side effects of caffeine abuse can be related to the bad performance addressed in number 9, below;
6 - take some alcoholic drinks moderately - specially good for anyone who's trying to retain some kind of femininity;
7 - prepare a special playlist of oldies and dance hits to your ipod. examples: depeche mode, cake and the cure. madonna and MJ are good if you find yourself in a "dancefloor mood". but if you reach this condition you would prefer going out to a disco. in this case, we recommend that you combine it to number 6 tip and practice flerting. the possible outcomes are related to tips number 8,9 and 10, below. for those who really prefer staying at home, buying yourself some flashing lights or strobos can bring some ludic ans relaxing inputs. it's a good investment, since it can also be usefull in summer parties;
8 - make sure all your FF (stands for "fuck-friends") will be around during the whole winter time. if you satisfy your hormones you will stand a better chance of crushing your subconscious and finding content;
9 - don't feel creepy if it's difficult to get sex. don't let alienation hold you back: muster up the courage to go to a sex-shop and buy yourself some new colorful toys (iterative contact with dark winter collors re-inforces sad feelings);
10 - say yes: sex-toys workshops are not bad at all and it´s an opportunity to meet new people.