Mittwoch, 22. Dezember 2010

Donnerstag, 11. November 2010

Mittwoch, 10. November 2010

Montag, 8. November 2010

Samstag, 23. Oktober 2010

Freitag, 22. Oktober 2010

air and light and time and space. when everything you touch disappear.

"Com duas pessoas eu já entrei em comunicação tão forte que deixei de existir, sendo. Como explicar? Olhávamo-nos nos olhos e não dizíamos nada, e eu era a outra pessoa e a outra pessoa era eu. É tão difícil falar, é tão difícil dizer coisas que não podem ser ditas, é tão silencioso. Como traduzir o profundo silêncio do encontro entre duas almas? É dificílimo contar: nós estávamos nos olhando fixamente, e assim ficamos por uns instantes. Éramos um só ser. Esses momentos são o meu segredo. Houve o que se chama de comunhão perfeita. Eu chamo isso de estado agudo de felicidade. Estou terrivelmente lúcida e parece que estou atingindo um plano mais alto de humanidade. Foram os momentos mais altos que jamais tive. Só que depois... Depois eu percebi que para essas pessoas esses momentos de nada valiam: elas estavam ocupadas com outras. Eu estivera só, toda só. É uma dor sem palavra, de tão funda. Agora vou interromper um pouco para atender o homem que veio concertar o toca-discos".
Clarice Lispector, Ao correr da máquina (I)

i came across this text yesterday by chance. i'm starting to think what we call coincidence is just another way to disguise what we really are: well trained animals with special olfactive capabilities.

[fotos de gus powell]
the general outline of all is made by mental facts + causality laws
feelings and imagination are the main plot on everybody´s reality
then dive in on your own functions and applications
and reality wont be the uncontrollable other´s stories and fears
but your own sensitivity
and your own panel for your own structure
then the internal conflict within is just not real

Mittwoch, 20. Oktober 2010

regurgitation. days like razors. mauerpark.

i stole these photos from the FB album of an italian FB friend of a FB friend of mine and just caught my-self trying to find you among the people. i'm sure you've been there this sunday.

Dienstag, 19. Oktober 2010

you say you may be back | i know what lies are for


Jetzt -
zwischen zwei Nichtse
ein Fragezeichen,
ein müdes Räthsel

Montag, 18. Oktober 2010

Direction of predator approach and the decision to flee to a refuge

How close should an animal allow a potential predator to approach before fleeing to a refuge? Fleeing too soon wastes time and energy that could be spent on other important activities, but fleeing too late is potentially lethal. A model to predict flight initiation distance was developed, based on the assumption that animals would flee at a distance that allows them to reach the refuge ahead of the predator by some margin of safety. This model predicts that (1) flight initiation distance should increase with distance from the refuge (which has been supported by studies on several species) and (2) the rate of increase of flight initiation distance with distance from a refuge should be higher when the refuge is between the predator and prey (prey runs towards the predator) than when the prey is between the predator and the refuge (prey runs away from the predator).

take the blue mask down from my face and look me in the eye

- I'm not a concept. Too many guys think I'm a concept, or I complete them, or I'm going to make them alive. But I'm just a fucked-up girl who's looking for my own peace of mind. Don't assign me yours.

Sonntag, 10. Oktober 2010

Mittwoch, 6. Oktober 2010

é preciso ter asas quando se ama o abismo...

unsharp melody

(foto da paulitcha)

Fever 103°

Pure? What does it mean?
The tongues of hell
Are dull, dull as the triple

Tongues of dull, fat Cerebus
Who wheezes at the gate. Incapable
Of licking clean

The aguey tendon, the sin, the sin.
The tinder cries.
The indelible smell

Of a snuffed candle!
Love, love, the low smokes roll
From me like Isadora's scarves, I'm in a fright

One scarf will catch and anchor in the wheel.
Such yellow sullen smokes
Make their own element. They will not rise,

But trundle round the globe
Choking the aged and the meek,
The weak

Hothouse baby in its crib,
The ghastly orchid
Hanging its hanging garden in the air,

Devilish leopard!
Radiation turned it white
And killed it in an hour.

Greasing the bodies of adulterers
Like Hiroshima ash and eating in.
The sin. The sin.

Darling, all night
I have been flickering, off, on, off, on.
The sheets grow heavy as a lecher's kiss.

Three days. Three nights.
Lemon water, chicken
Water, water make me retch.

I am too pure for you or anyone.
Your body
Hurts me as the world hurts God. I am a lantern ---

My head a moon
Of Japanese paper, my gold beaten skin
Infinitely delicate and infinitely expensive.

Does not my heat astound you. And my light.
All by myself I am a huge camellia
Glowing and coming and going, flush on flush.

I think I am going up,
I think I may rise ---
The beads of hot metal fly, and I, love, I

Am a pure acetylene
Attended by roses,

By kisses, by cherubim,
By whatever these pink things mean.
Not you, nor him.

Not him, nor him
(My selves dissolving, old whore petticoats) ---
To Paradise.

(Sylvia Plath)

Sonntag, 3. Oktober 2010

And what can life be worth if the first rehearsal for life is life itself?

the thing about iron is not that it cuts. the thing is that when it crushes you, you sink beneath it and it pins you to the ground. but don't be afraid of the ground. its surface may hurt you, but it's just because it's the closest place to life. when you come close to the ground, you feel the lightness of your soul longing to be weighted down by the body of the other. you smell that initial and primordial something that was what made some things reach the point of aspiring to be human. you hear the soft voice of the dead czech writer whispering that the heaviest of burdens is simultaneously an image of life's most intense fulfillment. and then you finally understand why neil young is so sure when he yells that rock-n-roll will never die. and it's just because it's the only possible soundtrack of those who assume physical love is violence and there's no point in disguising it. all the contrary: it's beautiful and when you face it for real, you can't help looking at it.
i just don't get why it has to be so difficult, if all i want is to have a quiet and simple life hearing to the sound of this violence, while all the boring deceptive devices and euphemisms are burning. and i feel fine, cause i know the verse already -
it's only castles burning.

and i'll never be the princess inside.

Dienstag, 14. September 2010

tell me if iron cuts

Montag, 6. September 2010

Freitag, 27. August 2010


de onde viemos.

- do you feel lonely?
- no, i feel hot.

[alvvino. more:]

Donnerstag, 12. August 2010

I wish you said goodbye when you decided to leave

Freitag, 30. Juli 2010

Para resolver un problema hay que hacer el esfuerzo de constreñirse a pensar en sus términos, pero es casi imposible no sentir que a medida que los vas asimilando vas perdiendo al mismo tiempo la capacidad de ver sus errores. El desafío es algo así como adentrarse en el mundo de los adultos pero sin dejar de mirar con los ojos de un niño. ¿Cuánto te va a durar? Pese a todo, avanzo. Lentamente y a tientas, pero avanzo... y aprendo. En eso estoy ahora.

Donnerstag, 29. Juli 2010