Montag, 31. Mai 2010

worries. no time. no nothing. the same every day, negociating the present between survival and transcendentality. buhh

Sonntag, 30. Mai 2010

The art of deception

What would be without the help of things which do not exist

Samstag, 29. Mai 2010

Mittwoch, 26. Mai 2010

Dienstag, 18. Mai 2010

meet you more than once

Very often I see women looking to undertake a traditional role and looking for a man who makes it possible for her to do so. They are actually based on a real believe: that the "sexual ministrations" of a husband would do more to make her feel alive than does reading Supreme Court opinions. Husband?. yes, because they are all getting tired of seeing, meeting, talking and trying with the everyday bureaucratic eunuchs limited by naiveté.

Me too.

Tired of this sexual modesty, too threatening. End of the day and people is suddenly seized by the urge to buy.


Then again, sex is just an argument.

If you're fifty or live in Smalltown USA, I would actually understand your own permanent non-verbal signals reaveling challenged emotional tactics. But you are not. There is no further reason you will find in your meditation sessions than you being the one who gave the first step to spell the end of your identity and creativity. C kick your ass now!

I just noticed Nicolás status:
'cause people like you make me feel SO old inside... when will you die?'
I never put it this way before. But yes, it´s actually better to die already than to be dying. Get a life or die. To this I quote my self:

La ergonomía de la oficina es el circo más pobre/ triste al que he asistido.

La luz de neón me coagula la sangre desde muy temprano en la manana. Mi corazón palpita sólidos durante el resto del día.

Hay sed o mucha más sequia. Hay que, cada tanto, pasarse la lengua por el canto del labio como una senhal secreta de que todavía se esta vivo. Vivo para nada.

Agradezco de antemano el tiempo perdido. Buenos días.

Asistiendo cordial y con mucho gusto diariamente a la propia muerte, sinceramente, adios, hasta manana.

Responder a otro nombre más dominable para esta otra lengua, qué puedo hacer por usted?

En el tren, a la hora de ir a casa, pensar en coger un avión.

No. . .

*game over*

Ya suena el despertador otra vez.

Good morning yuliana, how can you work when is so dark in the office? switch on the neon light please

yes of course. I´m just going to bring some more water.

Sonntag, 16. Mai 2010

Dienstag, 11. Mai 2010

Freitag, 7. Mai 2010

Dienstag, 4. Mai 2010

Jardin de la Femme

[ ]

Sonntag, 2. Mai 2010